GIS & Spatial analytics

Our employees have extensive experience in the analysis of geospatial data and environmental data. For the implementation of projects, we use a wide range of tools, from powerful databases, various scripting and analysis environments from the field of data science to tools from the field of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI).

In addition to our broad technological portfolio and in-depth methodological knowledge, we bring broad domain knowledge in the areas of infrastructure, environment and geoinformation to our projects. For highly specialized tasks and applications, we have a network of partner companies and research players that we can call on selectively for specific issues or involve in an advisory capacity.

We support you!

Data research

Research and evaluation of relevant data records for processing challenges in your organization or company

Data integration & harmonization

Merging and harmonization (semantic / syntactic) of various datasets in a consolidated datapool.

Data Clearing

We help you clean up old data and support you with data migration.


Whether GIS, statistics or artificial intelligence, we are happy to help you. We extract information from large data lakes, develop algorithms and models of the future and help you tackle your organizational challenges.


We develop and automate data pipelines, which constantly generate new insights from your data chaos.


Be it maps, diagrams or dashboards, our designers will be happy to help you present the information obtained in the most user-friendly and descriptive way possible.


For the development of geoinformation systems and geodatabases as well as for carrying out analyses, we use a variety of software tools that enable efficient data processing and high productivity.

ESRI ArcGIS Pro / Enterprise
QGIS Desktop / Server
Postgresql / PostGIS
MSSQL Server

Sample projects

Here are some examples where our expertise in GIS and spatial analytics helped developing IT tools or new datasets, which made the live of our customers much easier.

Location indicators for real estate

“Location, location, location” is an old piece of real estate wisdom that is still valid today. For an international real estate group, we have created individual portfolios for 1.7 million Swiss house addresses based on freely available data.

Integration of nationwide soil data

Our soils are an important resource and their better protection is a strategic goal of Germany and the EU. We have transferred Germany-wide individual and project databases on soil quality into a central soil database for the Federal Environment Agency.

Modernization of the POP-dioxin database

Pollutants in the environment are a problem - especially if they are particularly toxic or stable over the long term. We modernized the data model for the federal government's POP-dioxin database, cleaned up the old database and then rebuilt it in a maintainable and future-proof way.

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